- Turner spent 21 years in the Army.
- He graduated from the United States Military Academy in 1980 (the first class with women.)
- He served in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm.
- He served half of his career at the Pentagon, and has staffed senior officers and civilian appointees.
- He wants to: 1) change the image of Prince George's County, 2) provide jobs for citizens, and 3) improve the education system.
- He is the only candidate that has not held elected office, but feels that the politics in the military are more intense than the politics in PG County. (Clearly, he hasn't read "The Monitor").
- Wants to do a a performance audit of the County Budget.
- He was appointed, by Jack Johnson, as the Chairman of the Veterans Commission and to the Prince George's County Historic Preservation Commission. (Keep this in mind.)
- Turner thinks that County Government needs a "Culture Shift" and "Housecleaning." He accused Jack Johnson of hiring lackeys and morons. "He (Johnson) established an administration that's not based on competency, not based on the skill sets for the right job. It's based more so upon favorites, on cronyism. We need to bring into Prince George's County (and this is the beginning of changing that image) the best of the best, and surrounding ourselves with the best people in the right jobs."
- Kojo and Tom Sherwood clowned Turner and asked him if there was only one appointment that was made without cronyism -- Turner's. Realizing he got clowned, Turner got a little flustered and said, "That's a good answer."
- Turner cited Johnson's losing $5Million in Federal and State grants in the Housing agency because Johnson appointed a person who didn't have the skill set to lead the agency.
- He wants to trim waste from the $3.3 Billion (combined, operating, capital and grant) school system budget, and wants to audit the school system's performance. He began to discuss how the school system closes schools, while at the same time builds schools, but didn't really fully vet this issue, but he did talk about the school system's inability to retain a Superintendent and teachers.
- He wants to make sure that County contractors hire "legally documented workers," and take a proactive stance against illegal immigration.
So after listening to the Kojo show, we know a little bit more about Henry Turner, but since his interview was cut short, not enough to form an opinion one way or another. But, we are encouraged to learn more about him. So we encourage you to attend forums to learn more about Mr. Turner, as well as the other candidates for all public offices, so that on September 14th you can make an informed choice, and that way WE THE PEOPLE won't get CLOWNED! We will post a list of forums soon!
Hi Henry! For anyone that went to the District 6 Forum last night -- it was blah, blah, blah, blah except when Henry Turner questioned Michael Jackson on the 48,000 outstanding warrants in the Sherriff's department and Michael Jackson fired back at Henry that he didn't know "Jack" cause he was Henry was just a failed Developer! My, my, my it seems the gloves going to come off at that point. Did anyone else see what I saw or was I hallucinating????
Where did you find that video of Jack Johnson? That was hysterical!
Old Henry doesn't seem to have any problem "speaking truth to power." He told Michael Jackson his warrant performance is unacceptable and called Jack Johnson out for cronyism and stealing money.
Michelle Rhee fired all those teachers to cover up her failures. She is a horrible chancellor. That's why I'm voting for Vince Gray!
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