Monday, November 29, 2010

Johnson Administration Not Cooperating?!


According to the Washington Post (click here) the Jack Johnson administration has been accused by incoming County Executive Rushern Baker of not cooperating with his transition team.  This was first reported in The Monitor (click here) and (here).  We hate to say, "we told you so," but think about it.  This guy didn't cooperate with the F.B.I.  What makes you think that he would cooperate with you? (I'm Just Sayin')

I mean really, Crooked Jack and his folks are too busy buying up paper shredders, shredding documents, hiding cash, and giving high paying jobs to incompetent croynies to worry about a little thing like transitioning government bother them.  Even worse, they trot out Jim "Jack Johnson is the Best County Executive EVER" Keary, who says with a straight face: "This is the first we're hearing of this!"  Well, we know the first resignation should come from Jim Keary.  Do any of our loyal readers have any other suggestions?


Anonymous said...

James Johnson, Director, DHCD
Carla Carter, (The Deputy at Housing who is trying to get a merit position)
Addrienne Bennett, also at Housing but was in an at-will position at Housing)
Bridgewater, Director of Personnel who is pushing all these bogus merit positions through

All of the above immediate FIRING please!

Anonymous said...

David Byrd
Mike Dougherty
Jonathan Seeman
Ed Scott

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wait, don't forget DPWT...politically connected, nepotism, hire and promote other Directors relatives (check it out).. meaty contracts awarded to the good ol' boys and hefty personal contracts to folks... blacks-stay-back leadership!

Anonymous said...

Chris Osuji!

Anonymous said...

Byrd. Seaman. Everyone in the Office of "Law." Glad Herron already resigned!

Anonymous said...

Wayne McBride

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the folks at EDC--Kwaisi Holman and the PIMP-Kevin Malachi!