Ms. Lacole Hines,17
(click here for Washington Post article) was supposed to be living like a normal teen, doing what teenagers do and having fun at summer's end -- with not a care in the world but instead she is on
"life support" fighting for her life because
Sheriff Michael Jackson's office failed to serve a warrant against Ms. Hines' abusive boyfriend. Oh -- and what are the
Sheriff's comments on this --
"the mistake was an isolated incident." Well, Mr. Sheriff/Corporal Jackson, the
Concerned Prince Georgians of our Great County don't believe you! By your own admission, the Sheriff's Department has 48,000 outstanding warrants.
(We believe it's more like 52,000). In addition, you stated that when you took office in 2002 your office had a backlog of 30,000 warrants. Well, if we do the math, over an eight year period that's a
60% increase in a
backlog of warrants! Where is your plan for decreasing this backlog? Give the citizens of our GREAT County one plausible reason why we should give you another promotion from
Corporal, to Sheriff,
to County Executive? We're just asking ... and not asking nicely! P.S. Our prayers go out to Ms. Hines and her family for being a victim of gross incompetence and negligence!
How many times a week does this type of thing happen? Are we all at risk of being shot by some random criminal because of "Human Error" in the Sheriff's office? So when you say its not a common thing that happens -- does that mean it is an uncommon event, but it does happen occasionally? There should be an investigation of this by the State or the Feds! Jackson can't be trusted.
Is the teen still on life support? Please keep us informed of her progress. It's a shame.
Unfortunately Lacole Hines passed away last Thursday after she was removed from life support. Her 6 week old baby is in care of relatives at this time.
To the Hines' Family: Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you suffer through the pain of losing your child so senselessly. We as Concerned Prince Georgians will continue to do our part by not letting preventable acts of this nature "get swept under the rug". So many times our citizens find the negative information too painful and thus "block it out" by not talking about it and by not taking a pro-active stance. All Concerned Prince Georgians must stand together and shout loudly against the ills of our Great County. There is strength in numbers. Stand up today and say a collective -- ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
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