Sunday, March 06, 2011
Enough Blame To Go Around
Enough Blame to Go Around! When Barbara Frush proposed legislation to recall elected officials IF charged with a crime -- it seemed like a good idea at the time. After all, former Prince George's County Executive Jack Johnson and his wife, Leslie had just been arrested from their home and his wife Leslie was about to take her seat on the County Council and in fact did take that seat. Then WHY would no one come to speak in favor of this legislation? Maybe -- because the voters did not know WHEN this legislation was scheduled to come up. It's not enough for one group in one part of the County to speak up -- this was an ENTIRE Prince George's County issue. Concerned Prince Georgians are pretty well read -- and we had not heard anything about the status of this legislation -- until it was too late. Yes -- we the voters are at fault for being apathetic -- but the civic association should have reached out to other civic associations in the County so that other Concerned Prince Georgians could have had an opportunity to participate fully in the process. Yes -- It's Enough Blame To Go Around!
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
County Settles with Mayor
Prince George's Does the Right Thing!
According to the Gazette (click here) and the Washington Post (click here), a settlement has been reached between Prince George's County and former Berwyn Heights Mayor Cheye Calvo with regard to Prince George's Sheriff's Deputies breaking into the Mayor's home and murdering his beloved family pets.
We commend the Baker Administration for reversing the foolish posturing of Corporal Michael A. Jackson and Jack B. Johnson, and settling the case! At this point, we don't know how much the case has been settled for, but we believe that it should have been settled a long time ago.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Raising Employee Morale
Raising Employee Morale In these tough economic times there are several ways to raise the morale of employees. So many times managers and supervisors take the position that "employees should just be happy to have a job." Well -- duh -- people are happy to have a job but that doesn't mean that they should be subject to undue abuse and more often attitude from their superiors.
We have talked with employees of Prince George's County Government and contrary to popular belief -- these public servants want to serve its clients --the public -- but desperately seek leadership and direction from their managers and supervisors -- not ridicule, attitude and disrespect. They said they also would like to be at least "on par" with the rest of the surrounding jurisdictions, including the Federal Government with innovative work policies as "Alternate Work Schedules" and "Telecomute" policies and maybe even some "job sharing". What they "don't get" is that managers and supervisors are under the impression that just because they are physically in place at 8:30 in the morning -- that this equals to productivity. They also said its not just about "more money" it's about showing respect and appreciation for them as highly qualified professionals. More than once they indicated that this was not the case "behind the walls" of the County government and because of the tough economic times they were afraid of being harassed by their supervisors if they complained or being labeled a "disgruntled employee".
Come on "Baker Administration" Concerned Prince Georgians know you can do better than this in your quest to make a "Good County Great"! It is going to take a concerted effort of all Concerned Citizens including County employees to tackle the many problems of our Great County and ignoring the concerns vs. recruiting the efforts of 6,000 people won't get you there.
We have talked with employees of Prince George's County Government and contrary to popular belief -- these public servants want to serve its clients --the public -- but desperately seek leadership and direction from their managers and supervisors -- not ridicule, attitude and disrespect. They said they also would like to be at least "on par" with the rest of the surrounding jurisdictions, including the Federal Government with innovative work policies as "Alternate Work Schedules" and "Telecomute" policies and maybe even some "job sharing". What they "don't get" is that managers and supervisors are under the impression that just because they are physically in place at 8:30 in the morning -- that this equals to productivity. They also said its not just about "more money" it's about showing respect and appreciation for them as highly qualified professionals. More than once they indicated that this was not the case "behind the walls" of the County government and because of the tough economic times they were afraid of being harassed by their supervisors if they complained or being labeled a "disgruntled employee".
Come on "Baker Administration" Concerned Prince Georgians know you can do better than this in your quest to make a "Good County Great"! It is going to take a concerted effort of all Concerned Citizens including County employees to tackle the many problems of our Great County and ignoring the concerns vs. recruiting the efforts of 6,000 people won't get you there.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Do You Recall?
(The following letter was sent to the Editors of Prince George's Monitor and has been reprinted in its entirety)....
Dear Concerned Prince Georgians,
Do you RECALL a hard fought election that Mrs. Leslie Johnson won over a large group of competitors?Recall years of confirmations by the FBI that Mr. Johnson was under investigation for abusing taxpayer funded credit cards and numerous development deals?
I would suggest based on the results of the low turnout election that very few people recall any of the warning signs that we were all given. Elections have consequences and must be taken seriously because the stakes are high. (I type this as I look at my son) This is a lesson for why we must stay involved and engaged. Too many times politicians' own self interests and voters focus on charisma over substance seem to leave us hanging.
The last thing I will ask you to Recall is the old practice of “RECALL” by which voters can correct their mistakes. It is awful that the people of District 6 are not as well represented as they could be but let’s not compound the problem by focusing on restoring the rights to someone under indictment. Let’s accept the loss in the short term and work toward fixing any future mistakes by creating a RECALL Law NOW!!
Elwood Beason
Ft. Washington, Maryland
Dear Concerned Prince Georgians,
Do you RECALL a hard fought election that Mrs. Leslie Johnson won over a large group of competitors?Recall years of confirmations by the FBI that Mr. Johnson was under investigation for abusing taxpayer funded credit cards and numerous development deals?
I would suggest based on the results of the low turnout election that very few people recall any of the warning signs that we were all given. Elections have consequences and must be taken seriously because the stakes are high. (I type this as I look at my son) This is a lesson for why we must stay involved and engaged. Too many times politicians' own self interests and voters focus on charisma over substance seem to leave us hanging.
The last thing I will ask you to Recall is the old practice of “RECALL” by which voters can correct their mistakes. It is awful that the people of District 6 are not as well represented as they could be but let’s not compound the problem by focusing on restoring the rights to someone under indictment. Let’s accept the loss in the short term and work toward fixing any future mistakes by creating a RECALL Law NOW!!
Elwood Beason
Ft. Washington, Maryland
Sunday, January 09, 2011
What Is Wrong With You People?
What Is Wrong With You People? Yes we said it! What is the problem? A Coalition was formed to restore the voting rights to Leslie Johnson headed by Douglas Edwards and supported by Arthur Turner. Again, we ask "What Is Wrong With You People"? One would think that the Concerned Residents of District 6 would be forming a Coalition to determine how to "Recall Elected Officials" who have been indicted for any reason. One would think that these residents would be picketing daily demanding for Leslie Johnson to "step down". So Again Concerned Prince Georgians Ask -- WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?
What Is Wrong With You People?
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Douglas Edwards |
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Arthur Turner |
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
What to Expect If One Calls For Help?
News sources (click here) are reporting that another Prince George's County police officer has been suspended. What NOW you ask? This officer has been suspended for sending sexually suggestive messages to a young lady moments after he responded to her call for help. Yeah -- can you believe this "dude" sits in his police cruiser -- outside of her home -- and texts this young lady one graphic sexually suggestive message after another? The young lady rightfully gets nervous and calls her mother who leaves work early and together they file a formal complaint. OK, yeah the officer is now suspended from the force -- but one have to ask if he is now pissed off with the young lady because of his suspension? Will he now stalk her and her family? The good citizens of this County do not need to face fear from the very ones that are sworn to "protect and serve" us! This pisses me off! Concerned Prince Georgians we have a lot of work to do in the years ahead. Lets start by holding ALL of our elected officials responsible. If it ain't right -- It ain't right!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Ouch! Please Don't Hit Me Again!
News sources (click here) are reporting that outgoing Councilmember and Clerk of the Court Elect Marilynn Bland "jacked-up" a Council employee because he started a meeting without her. I know in light of everything going on in our Great County that this news seems like "no-news". We are all becoming de-sensitized to the ills around us. Well -- Concerned Prince Georgians submit that anytime someone assaults and/or bullies another -- it's a Big Deal! Ok, Ok, Bland has bigger problems than putting her hands on her employee -- with the FBI probe and all ... but all of -- US -- Concerned Prince Georgians have bigger problems as well -- We have a lot of "heavy lifting" to do while the dust is settling. If We Are Ever to Have A Great County --We need to pick up the garbage and throw it out of our County Once and For All! Lest Not Forget! We Have a Lot of Work Ahead -- And It Will Take Our Collective Voices and Efforts!
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Marilynn Bland Has a History of Mental Abuse to Her Employees |
Please Don't Bully Me!
(Just Cuz I Work For You)
Monday, November 29, 2010
Johnson Administration Not Cooperating?!
According to the Washington Post (click here) the Jack Johnson administration has been accused by incoming County Executive Rushern Baker of not cooperating with his transition team. This was first reported in The Monitor (click here) and (here). We hate to say, "we told you so," but think about it. This guy didn't cooperate with the F.B.I. What makes you think that he would cooperate with you? (I'm Just Sayin')
I mean really, Crooked Jack and his folks are too busy buying up paper shredders, shredding documents, hiding cash, and giving high paying jobs to incompetent croynies to worry about a little thing like transitioning government bother them. Even worse, they trot out Jim "Jack Johnson is the Best County Executive EVER" Keary, who says with a straight face: "This is the first we're hearing of this!" Well, we know the first resignation should come from Jim Keary. Do any of our loyal readers have any other suggestions?
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Rushern Baker's Concerns
Baker Stays Focused! In the wake of the Johnson's arrest, County Executive-Elect Rushern Baker stays focused on his incoming Administration's top priorities -- Education and Economic Development. See the video news clip as he sits down with NBC News 4 Jim Vance (click here) at the Olde Town Inn in Upper Marlboro. On OUR Way To A Great County!!!!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
SPEAK UP NOW PRINCE GEORGIANS! Good citizens of Prince George's County please remove the cotton from your mouth and speak up now! Stand with three couragious leaders, Councilmember-elect Mel Franklin, Delegate Elect Jay Walker and Delegate Justin Ross and speak up and demand that the Johnson's step aside NOW! There is strength in numbers -- let our collective voices be heard!
There is an on-line petition (click here) being circulated via internet by District 6 residents demanding that Leslie Johnson step aside NOW! Don't let the phrase "presumption of innocence" affect your thinking. YES, the Johnson's are presumed innocent until proven guilty -- but good citizens of our GREAT County the Johnson's blatant disregard for the good citizens of our County is not a legal issue its's a MORAL one. The fact that the Johnson's refuse to do the right thing speak to their character and their sense of entitlement while touting that they love US! Concerned Prince Georgians submit that their behavior and disregard to do the right thing for the well-being of the citizens of OUR County is border line abusive!
There is an on-line petition (click here) being circulated via internet by District 6 residents demanding that Leslie Johnson step aside NOW! Don't let the phrase "presumption of innocence" affect your thinking. YES, the Johnson's are presumed innocent until proven guilty -- but good citizens of our GREAT County the Johnson's blatant disregard for the good citizens of our County is not a legal issue its's a MORAL one. The fact that the Johnson's refuse to do the right thing speak to their character and their sense of entitlement while touting that they love US! Concerned Prince Georgians submit that their behavior and disregard to do the right thing for the well-being of the citizens of OUR County is border line abusive!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Petition- Leslie Johnson Must Resign Now!
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Leslie Johnson -- RESIGN NOW! |
According to a recent article in the Washington Post: (click here)
The online petition is entitled "Leslie Johnson must resign now!" which in part reads:
"We must spread the word far and near in our District that we need honest and respectable representation for District 6 on the [Prince George's] County Council," reads the email that is circulating in the community.
Residents say they plan to present the signatures to the Maryland General Assembly, the Prince George's County delegation and Gov. Martin O'Malley (D), asking them to intervene.
Concerned Prince Georgians have implored Leslie Johnson in a recent post to "DO THE RIGHT THING" -- by taking the right step towards letting our Great COUNTY start the healing process!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Leave Us At Peace Leslie Johnson!
Leave Us At Peace Leslie! With the arrest of your husband -- County Executive Jack Johnson and you -- his wife -- Leslie Johnson scheduled to take the oath as County Councilwoman on December 6th -- Concerned Prince Georgians implore you -- Leslie -- Do not put your hand on the bible on December 6th swearing to serve the citizens of Prince George's County. Slip away quietly from the public light -- LEAVE US AT PEACE! LET US START THE PROCESS OF HEALING! Our great County does not need the continued distractions that will be caused by a selfish decision by you -- LESLIE -- NOT TO STEP ASIDE! Concerned Prince Georgians implore you to make one final decision that is not self-serving! Please STEP ASIDE NOW LESLIE -- LEAVE OUR GREAT COUNTY AT PEACE!
Friday, November 12, 2010
Keeping up with the Johnsons
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Jack and Leslie -- Happier Times |
It appears that having a cool $179,000 laying around the house wasn't enough for the Johnsons, so Jack took it upon himself to pick up another $15,000 today. After he got busted by the FBI, Jack called Leslie and told her to not let the FBI in the house, tear up the check, and put the money in her Bra. All we can say, is: "Wasn't Jack the State's Attorney for Prince George's County?" Shouldn't he know about destroying evidence. Read the entire affidavit here: Keeping Up with The Johnsons.
Jack Johnson Arrested!
Jack and Leslie Johnson Arrested!
According to the Washington Post (click here), TBD (click here), and the Gazette (click here). Soon to be former County Executive Jack Johnson's home and Upper Marlboro office in the County Administration Building were raided by federal agents. Sources tell us that a total of 13 search warrants were served related to Johnson's arrest. In addition to searching the plumbing in Johnson's home, Federal Agents also searched County Offices in Largo.
Johnson was handcuffed and lead away. He awaits a hearing in Federal Court. We'll keep our loyal readers posted.
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